Saturday, September 06, 2008

Radio Pop: for BBC Radio

Just wanted to add my congratulations to my old colleagues in BBC Audio & Music Interactive on the launch of Radio Pop, a "social radio listening" prototype from the small but perfectly formed BBC Radio Labs team which promises to do for BBC Radio what does for music (i.e. scrobbling your listening, connecting you to friends, letting you favourite/bookmark - a.k.a. "pop" - and generating lots of pretty graphs and charts). It's replete with RSS feeds, APML data and some tasty extras: embeddable badge (below), Mac Dashboard widget, and integration with real-world radio Olinda.

It's a bit unfair requesting new functionality less than a week after launch, but hey, if you don't ask you don't get :-)

Radio Pop feature wishlist:
- Flash streaming (please don't make me download RealPlayer on my MacBook Air!)
- 'Now playing' info
- Details of "popped" tracks (linked to the BBC Music beta, natch)
- Recommendations based on your listens/pops
- Cross-scrobbling to
- iPhone version
- Chumby version (ok, maybe a little bit niche)

Read more on Radio Pop on the BBC Radio Labs blog and on the personal blogs of creators Tristan Ferne and Chris Bowley and their boss, James Cridland. Great job guys.


Ian Brown said...

And a feed for the BBC Radio Mac widget too please :)

Anonymous said...

What's all the buzz about with last fm, i just don't understand why everyone is so fond of it when services likes Deezer offer free and legit music, and that it's on demand instead of a radio, if you want free and legal music you can go to

Anonymous said...

well i am sure this will not interest folks.