Friday, December 16, 2011

Next-gen London underground display

Below is a mockup of my fantasy next-generation London underground on-platform display, which would not only show you exactly where incoming trains were on the line (and update their progress in real time), but also which carriages were more or less crowded (achieved by sensing passenger body heat or possibly carriage weight, to account for all those suitcases). That way, you could increase your chances of boarding and the platform announcers wouldn't have to keep telling new arrivals to move along the platform.

Go on TfL/CBS Outdoor - you've already got the screens...


Poggs said...

As a concept, I really, really like this. Well done, great imagination!

Anonymous said...

really really easy to do with some very basic load cells

cpbs said...

I wonder... Might it be possible to influence where people move on the platform by controlling lighting? For example, perhaps if the front coaches on the next train are full, the corresponding part of the platform could have its lights dimmed a bit. Parts of the platform where empty coaches will arrive would be lit more brightly. (Perhaps only wall/ceiling lighting should be adjusted; dimming illumination onto the platform surface itself might be an 'elf'n'safety no-no...)

Or maybe there are some other subconscious cues which could be used to move people more efficiently...