As much as I love Flickr (and believe me I do), there are times when the size of the community (25 million monthly visitors according to Compete) and the sheer volume of photographs being shared (2 billion and counting) feels a bit overwhelming. So, it was with some delight that I stumbled upon not one, but two, smaller (and more focused) online photography communities this week.
First was JPG Magazine which has been producing a bi-monthly print magazine since January 2005, initially via self-publishing site but more recently as a fully-fledged news-stand title (in the US at least) from 8020 Publishing. The emphasis is very much on quality rather than quantity with users encouraged to upload only their best, high-res shots (no more than 10 per day) and then assign them to themes, some of which are earmarked for forthcoming issues. The JPG community then votes on the submissions with the editors having the final say on what makes it into the mag. If you're lucky enough to get a photo printed you get $100 and one year's free subscription. Nice.
My second discovery (via Hilary) was Channel 4's new photography project Picture This. A joint-initiative with Flickr, the site has more of an educational bent with a focus on improving users' photography skills through mutual feedback. The other manifestation of Picture This is a television series which starts on 6th January at 7pm on Channel 4. Much like Photo Friday, users are invited to upload their best shot in response to the week's theme (week one is Self Portrait) with the added incentive that the judges will pick out some to feature on the show. The site is full of Web 2.0 goodness including commenting, tagging, rating and seamless integration with the Flickr API (it even pulls in the EXIF data).
I've just submitted one of my photos so why not head on over and proffer some (constructive) criticism? Alternatively you could visit my JPG profile page and check out some of my favourite snaps.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
JPG Magazine & Picture This
Posted by Dan Taylor at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: photography, television, web 2.0
Monday, December 24, 2007
RescueTime (or how I really spend my time online)
I've made a couple of rather unscientific attempts in the past to quantify my online usage and create a breakdown of which sites I devote most time to. Just under a month ago I installed RescueTime which promised to deliver a much more accurate picture, not only of my web usage but of all activity on my home computer. Billed as a time management tool, my hunch is that it's more likely to be installed by stats junkies than those genuinely seeking to increase their PC-based productivity (or maybe that's just me).
Whilst some users will inevitably balk at the perceived threat to their privacy, the company pledges to only ever use data in aggregate, no one else can see your personal information and you can delete your account at any time (none of which can be said of Facebook).
Above is a chart of my first few weeks with RescueTime installed (click for larger version). The list of Top Apps isn't wildly different from my list of most visited bookmarks, although sites which tend to warrant only a quick visit (netvibes, e-mail etc.) are understandably absent.
Some other headlines observations:
- I average 2.5 hours of home screentime a day (talk about busman's holiday...)
- Facebook (and Scrabulous in particular) is a big time sink (average 30 mins a day)
- Time spent searching Google adds up more than you might think (1 hr 26 mins over three weeks)
- There's a reasonable 'long tail' of activity with 38% of time spent on sites outside the Top 10
Whilst the RescueTime app is far from perfect (it logs whichever window is in focus, which inevitably excludes swathes of secondary/background activity such as listening via iTunes), it provides a fascinating (for a geek like me at least) insight into where all that time goes.
Posted by Dan Taylor at 5:36 AM 1 comments
Labels: web 2.0
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Must-watch music/science/life documentary
Photograph: BBC
Finally found the time to sit down and watch Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives, which I downloaded via BBC iPlayer a couple of weeks back, and I just can't recommend it enough. The documentary follows Mark Oliver Everett, the creative force behind criminally underrated indie rock band, Eels, on a journey across America to discover more about the father he never really knew - taciturn quantum physicist and author of the Many-Worlds Interpretation, Hugh Everett III. The film works on a multitude of different planes (appropriately enough): as a primer on quantum mechanics; as a thumbnail sketch of post-war America; as a portrait of a distant father-son relationship; and as an insight into the minds of two geniuses, one musical, one scientific.
Unfortunately the programme is no longer available to download although thanks to the BBC Programmes BETA I can link to a permanent episode page which will automatically provide an embedded on-demand stream of the programme for a week after transmission should it be shown again (would be nice to add a broadcast alert feature to these pages come to think of it - will mention it to the brains in Audio & Music Interactive).
Until such a time, you'll have to make do with a couple of tasters from the BBC's YouTube channel:
Posted by Dan Taylor at 12:22 AM 1 comments
Labels: BBC, music, television
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Bruce Parry blogging from the Amazon
Very excited about Amazon. No, not the online retailer (like they need the Googlejuice), but Bruce Parry's latest adventure and one of the BBC's first blogs to launch in support of a TV series. For the uninitiated, Bruce Parry is a former British Royal Marine instructor who now makes his living presenting anthropological documentaries such as the acclaimed Tribe (known as Going Tribal in the States) and the children's 'Serious...' strand (e.g. Serious Desert, Serious Arctic, Serious Andes).
Building on the success of Long Way Down (which had a pseudo-blog built using one of the BBC's content management systems), the Amazon production team have been blogging using Moveable Type since mid-October, when their epic journey began (in Miami airport). In addition to text entries, the team are also posting photos and embedded video clips (see below), which really enhance the offer. There's also an Interactive Map, overlaying the team's blog entries onto a Google Map so you can chart the narrative geographically.
What's exciting to me is the way in which the team are using the web to extend the life of the broadcast way beyond a single moment of transmission, to cover the whole production process (see Dan Hill's seminal piece on The Social Life of a Broadcast) and the blogging platform in particular, to provide an authored and serialised version of that narrative which users can engage with at any point.
It's not all been plain sailing of course - laptop problems forced the team to dictate some entries to the team back at base in Cardiff via satellite phone and they've had to implement a frustrating, but necessary, 3-5 week delay in actually putting the posts live to protect the security of the crew (watch the below video from coca country to understand why).
Huge props to Andrew Dudfield, Jo Pearce and the rest of the multiplatform team in BBC Wales for getting the blog up and running and looking so slick on the BBC's current installation of Moveable Type (no mean feat!) and David Felce for shoring up the platform (see Robin Hamman on 18 Months of Blogs on the BBC Internet Blog).
Amazon with Bruce Parry will air on BBC TWO in 2008.
Disclaimer: I work for the BBC. The opinions expressed on this blog are my own and do not represent the views of my employer.
Posted by Dan Taylor at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 09, 2007
8 Random Facts About Me (tagging meme)
Meme alert. Have just been tagged by Gary Hayes (of Personalize Media and The Project Factory) and tasked with sharing eight random things about myself and then tagging eight others to do the same. Whilst I share Steve Woodruff's reticence on the basis that it's slightly reminiscent of those hideous email chain letters, I'm not being threatened with disastrous consequences if I don't do it and I'm always loathe to turn down an invitation to talk about myself, so...
Here are the rules:
- Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
- People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
- At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
- I eat with my knife and fork in the 'wrong' hands (i.e. fork in my right hand, knife in my left). Not sure why.
- I can put my feet behind my head (though not at the same time).
- I've demoed DAB digital radio and podcasting to HM The Queen (not sure she was really feeling it).
- My father appeared on Mastermind on 23rd March 1986 (unfortunately he wore matching yellow socks and tie, swore after giving a wrong answer and, er, came last).
- I play the piano, guitar and harmonica. All very badly.
- I lost 2 stone (c.13 kilos) aged seventeen when I fell in love for the first time (bless).
- I am wholly at the mercy of Steve Jobs. In the last 4 years I have bought one iBook, 2 PowerBooks, 2 MacBooks and 5 iPods (a mini, a classic, 2 nanos and a touch). Rest assured most of them have now found new homes.
- One of my tutors at university was Linda Ruth Williams, leading authority on erotic thrillers and wife of Five Live film critic, Mark Kermode.
James Cridland (done)
Jo Twist
Martin Belam (done)
Nick Reynolds
Richard Titus
Robin Hamman
Roo Reynolds
Tom Coates
Posted by Dan Taylor at 12:35 AM 1 comments
Labels: blogging
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Which mobile next? You decide...
One area of technology in which I've always been strangely retrograde is mobile phones. My first handset was a Nokia 5110, which I bought at university back in the late Nineties. My 'upgrade' path since then has been: Nokia 3210 (February 2000) > Nokia 8310 (July 2002) > Motorola V980 (May 2005) > Nokia 8310 (June 2005) > Sony Ericsson K750i (June 2006). My unfortunate one-month dalliance with Motorola in May 2005 is detailed here.
So, for the last 18 months I've been soldiering on with a chunky K750i with a broken joystick, waiting for my contract with Vodafone to run its course. As of this week, I'm a free man with a world of mobile possibilities open to me. And can I decide which handset to plump for? Hell, no. Which is where you come in. I've been wanting to try out PollDaddy for a while now and have decided to kill two birds with one blog post by inviting readers to vote on which mobile they think I should go for.
My top five priorities (which unfortunately aren't perhaps wholly compatible) are:
- Battery life - all the functionality in the world isn't worth a mobile which dies when you need to make a phone call
- Internet access - ubiquitous, uncapped and as fast as possible please
- Size (esp. depth) - time to leave behind the "is that a K750i in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?" gags
- Camera - not too fussed about megapixels, just one which isn't completely crap in low light conditions
- Appearance - call me shallow, but having spent the last 18 months getting the mobile equivalent of the Hunchback of Notre Dame out of my pocket, I'm ready for something a little more svelte

Enough preamble, onto the vote. I've picked out five contenders with a free text option if you think I've overlooked my dream handset. Now get voting - my mobile future is in your hands...
Posted by Dan Taylor at 11:15 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Chat around TV?
Between May 2003 and March 2005 the BBC piloted an online chat service (called BBC Connector) which enabled visitors to certain parts of the BBC website to instant message other users viewing the same page as them. Referred to internally as 'chat around content', the concept was arguably ahead of its time / the available technology (the same could be said of MyBBC - a forerunner to the personalised startpage, live on between 2000 and 2003).
Fast forward a couple of years and the notion of chat around content seems to be undergoing something of a renaissance, although this time it's video rather than webpages (Gabbly, weblin et al. excepted) which is the content in question. Stickam got the ball rolling with the launch of its Media Chat service in August 2006, followed by Lycos Cinema in the November and ClipSync in the December. Also in December, YouTube started offering YouTube Streams via its ideas incubator, TestTube. February this year, Lycos added Lycos Mix and in August, Skype launched a new version which enabled users to download videos from Dailymotion and Metacafe and add them to their 'mood', inviting other users to chat around them. In November, Joost revealed Meebo was to provide its chat widget and then just last week Userplane announced tie-ups with Channel 4, The CW, Fuel TV and IFC (although it's not yet clear whether the company's popular IM and chat tools will be directly deployed around video assets or not).
Of course, not all users haven't been waiting around for media owners to join the dots and many have been hacking together their own chat around content experiences for years. One of my favourite BBC Radio Player anecdotes concerns multiple users communicating via Instant Messaging to coordinate a simultaneous press of the play button on listen again programmes, to ensure a synchronous (and therefore shared) listening experience. If its been done for radio, it's a safe bet that the same has been happening around live and on-demand television as well, at least in pockets.
What hasn't yet been established is to what extent users would make use of chat around television functionality were it to become more widely available. Microsoft demonstrated a TV chat interface as far back as 1999, which singularly failed to take the world by storm (although recently leaked screenshots suggest 'Chat whilst watching TV' may be appearing as an option on suitably IPTV-enabled Xbox 360s in the not too distant future).
One argument is that even in this age of continuous partial attention, online chat is too intrusive an activity for most television viewers (although I'm not sure how much water that holds when you consider that talking over the TV is practically a national pastime). Whether viewers will use chat applications to discuss the on-screen programming or not is perhaps a more pertinent question. I also can't help feeling it won't be long before advertisers are asking for IPTV chat apps to be disabled during ad breaks because viewers are ignoring their ads in favour of chatting to their mates (solution: makes your ads interesting enough that people want to talk about them).
Regardless of the absence of demonstrable user-demand, chat functionality is likely to feature on the roadmap of many IPTV companies, looking to use the potential of a network to gain a competitive advantage over terrestrial broadcasters without an integrated back-channel. Only time will tell whether its a mass-market proposition or not.
Posted by Dan Taylor at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: BBC, television, video, web 2.0
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
This website will self-destruct in five seconds...
A current preoccupation of mine is the notion of online permanence, not only with regards to not deleting content (which in some cases in tantamount to burning books, imho - although in others it's arguably more of a public service...) but also in maintaining consistent and permanent URLs (which, whilst we're writing the wish-list, should also be globally accessible).
So I was somewhat ambivalent on hearing of disposableWebPage, a wiki-powered site whose raison d'ĂȘtre is to make non-permanent webpages. The site enables you to create a page in a matter of moments and then set a time limit for when you want that page to expire, up to a maximum of 90 days. Somewhat bizarrely, the page doesn't actually disappear until 2 weeks after the expiry date, which rules out using it for providing a time-limited window for users to access content (although I guess simple cutting-and-pasting would also scupper any such attempts). Interestingly, Google has already indexed and cached 176 disposable webpages (of the 6,322 which have been created, according to the site's front page).
I guess on the scale of crimes against digital data preservation then disposableWebPage is a minor offender and at least it's up front about when its pages will be deleted (unlike many content providers/hosts). I'm tempted to visit the site with the Alexa toolbar installed to see if I can persuade The Wayback Machine to archive a copy, although on balance they've probably got better things to be doing with their terabytes. A far bigger crime is the fact that the CAPTCHA didn't appear in Firefox, forcing me to fire up Internet Explorer for Mac. Don't worry - I'm alright now...
Posted by Dan Taylor at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: web 2.0
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Round-up of best made-for-iPhone web sites/apps
Whilst the iPhone and iPod Touch cope admirably with displaying regular websites, arguably leapfrogging Opera Mini (no mean feat) to provide the best small screen browsing experience to date, there's nevertheless a healthy appetite for sites and apps tailored specially for the iPhone / iPod Touch. Below is a round-up of fifteen of the best.
Remote Buddy AJAX Remote
This kind of has to be seen to be believed, transforming, as it does, your iPhone / iPod Touch into a fully featured virtual remote which which to control a bewildering array of your Mac's functions. Unlike the Roami (see below), the Remote Buddy doesn't just interface with iTunes but over 95 other applications including PowerPoint, Firefox, DVD Player, EyeTV and Joost, enabling you to operate presentations, watch video and live TV and take photos remotely using the iSight camera. Simply awesome. Available as a free 30-day trial. €19.99 to buy.
Nowhere near as sophisticated as the Remote Buddy AJAX Remote, but far simpler to operate as a result, Roami enables you to turn your iPhone/iPod Touch into a remote control for iTunes. A 3.6MB download to your Mac desktop provides you with a URL to type into your iPhone address bar which displays 'now playing' information and enables you to remotely select playlists, skip, pause and restart tracks, adjust the volume and toggle shuffle on and off. Free 14-day trial, $9.95 to buy.
BBC Podcasts
A personal favourite (disclaimer: I work at the BBC), this simple but slick beta app provides almost instantaneous access to the BBC's growing portfolio of podcasts, using progressive download to play the MP3s in Quicktime. The podcasts can be navigated by A-Z, genre or radio station (an option which beautifully showcases the new station logos). More on the BBC Radio Labs blog both here and here - see also below video.
BBC Podcasts (beta) on iPod Touch - demo from Dan Taylor on Vimeo.
JiWire Wi-Fi Finder
Anyone who's spent time wandering the streets of a major conurbation in a fruitless search for wireless internet access will appreciate the potential value of this little app which searches for details of nearby Wi-Fi access points against a city name or postal/zip code. It defaults to searching for free hotspots, although you can broaden the scope to include paid-for if needs be.
Never mind Amazon's Kindle, if you're wanting to read books on a mobile device then you could do a lot worse than TextOnPhone, which provide access to more than 20,000 titles, including classics such as Catcher in the Rye and Animal Farm. 'Turning the page' is as simple as tapping the screen and up to 50 pages can be downloaded for offline reading if you're planning to be without signal. It's also possible to create reading lists and add and share personal notes on any page.
TV Forecast
A neat little app for keeping tabs on when your favourite TV shows are next being broadcast. The transmission times are for the US - frustrating if you're stuck with waiting for the programme to get an airing on UK TV, but a godsend if you're wondering when the torrent is likely to be available for download (I would imagine).
At a glance status information on all the London Underground lines - like a pocket-sized version of those magnetic whiteboards you get by the ticket barriers. Designed by Utku Can - a 20 year old Computer Science student. Great URL too.
iPhit Fitness Tracking
Provides easy access to your Nike+ iPod running data (the main Nike+ website requires Flash, which iPhone Safari doesn't currently support). You will of course need a separate iPod nano to actually capture the data in the first place...
Twitter on Thincloud
Save yourself from the endless SMS messages with this big button app. Covers all the main functionality and nicely mimics the iPhone version of iTunes with four shortcuts along the foot of every page, providing one touch access to Recent Posts, Update Your Status, Direct Replies and Browse Friends.
Another app which appropriates the iTunes-style shortcuts along the foot of the page, although in this instance there are five on them (Conditions, Forecast, Radar, Camera and Weather). Conditions shows a simple thermometer and wind gauge; Forecast provides a six-day outlook; Radar shows an infrared satellite image of the continent; Camera shows a local webcam and Video plays the most recent (US) WeatherBug forecast in Quicktime.
Netvibes Mobile
Slick reversioning of the popular personalised startpage service, providing access to all the same modules, but arranged vertically to enable easy scrolling.
Yeah. No, Totally.
Another great URL and another neat site, 'Yeah. No, Totally.' provides quick access to a bunch of the web's most commonly used sites including Google, Wikipedia, Technorati, Flickr and BBC News (via its RSS feed). The only kicker for UK users is the US/SanFran focus, which renders the Shopping and Webcams section redundant.
A visual bookmarking site with the aspiration (as the name suggests) 0f getting you to your desired destination in just two clicks. The site enables you to arrange your bookmarks by category (the defaults categories are Home, Shop and Social), displaying a cached thumbnail of each site. It's also possible to add search boxes for some of the web's main players.
Stripped down window onto the Rotten Tomatoes movie reviews database, showing you a percentage score and top reviews for individual titles. Unfortunately search is the sole means of navigating the site so its only really useful if you know what film you're looking for.
Displays (half) the front page of six national newspapers (in the UK it's The Times, The Guardian, The Herald, The Telegraph, The Indie and The Current Bun) with a click-through to read the top headlines.
Posted by Dan Taylor at 5:29 PM 2 comments
Labels: gadgets, mobile, technology, web 2.0
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Analysing my Facebook friends photo grid
They say a picture paints a thousand words and if my Facebook friends photo grid is anything to go by, they may just be right. Below is a screencap of the aforementioned grid (something of a Facebook easter egg, which you can view by selecting '---' from the Friend List dropdown) and a round-up of some recurring motifs, which give a (potentially worrying) insight into the psychology of some of my nearest and dearest:
14 hats
8 pairs of shades
7 babies
4 guns
3 glasses of wine
3 pints of beer
3 false moustaches
2 weddings
2 donkeys
1 dog
1 cat
1 monkey
1 canada goose
1 baboon
1 real moustache
1 suit of armour
1 Beth Ditto's arse
Posted by Dan Taylor at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: photography, social networking
My most visited websites according to
It's been six months since I first installed the super-useful Bookmarks Firefox extension which, amongst other things, displays your bookmarks in a Firefox toolbar ranked according to how frequently you visit them. As well as providing quick access to the sites you visit most often (assuming you've bookmarked them using of course), the toolbar also serves as an interesting record of which sites you personally find the stickiest. Below is a list of the 30 sites I've visited most frequently over the past six months according to the toolbar.
1. Facebook - the social networking equivalent of crack - and I'm an addict
2. Flickr - the number one photo sharing site - sublime in its simplicity
3. Bloglines - my preferred choice of feed reader (yes, I know everyone else has switched to Google Reader)
4. BBC - outside of work, used mostly for news, weather and the Radio Player
5. StatCounter - for analysing traffic to this blog and other sites I've built
6. fabric of folly - this blog
7. netvibes - personalised homepage and online to-do list
8. Yahoo! Mail - after 10 years, I can't be arsed to change my email address
9. Blogger - easy-to-use blogging software
10. Amazon - for buying stuff and then selling it later on Marketplace
11. mininova - my number one source of televisual content
12. - music discovery and charts. lots of charts
13. Technorati - original blog search engine, although it's star is now on the wane
14. PBwiki - awesome collaborative working tool
15. BBC Webmail - remote access to work e-mail
16. Photo Friday - weekly photo competition
17. eBay - for selling stuff which isn't listed on Amazon Marketplace
18. PlusNet - my ISP - for checking how much bandwidth I've eaten up each month
19. LondonNet - London listings, including what's on at the flicks
20. - the social bookmarking daddy
21. IMDb - the ultimate online film (and increasingly TV) reference
22. StumbleUpon - for when Google isn't sufficiently serendipitous
23. Smile - my bank - for working out how much money I've spent at Amazon
24. Veoh - high quality video streaming/download site
25. Royal Mail - for working out the postage on the crap I've sold on eBay
26. Apple - gadget porn - mostly looking but not touching
27. Empire - my first port of call for trusted film reviews
28. James Cridland's Blog - one of the most consistently cogent blogs I read
29. Twitter - In the words of The Beautiful South, I love you but you're boring
30. National Rail - for planning my preferred means of getting from A to B
Most of the sites are fairly mainstream / old skool
Despite the huge number of shiny new Web 2.0 sites that pass through my browser each day, very few of them become regular destinations. Almost all of the sites in my Top 30 have been kicking around for a good few years now.
Most of the sites are task-oriented
Whilst there's little doubt that the web is becoming more of an entertainment destination, it's interesting how much of my online activity is still very task-oriented, as the below categorisation shows.
- Blogging (6 sites - Bloglines, StatCounter, fabric of folly, Blogger, Technorati, James Cridland's Blog)
- Real-world logistics (5 sites - PlusNet, LondonNet, Smile, Royal Mail, National Rail)
- Search and aggregation (3 sites - netvibes,, StumbleUpon)
- Commerce (3 sites - eBay, Amazon and Apple)
- E-mail (2 sites - Yahoo! Mail and BBC Webmail)
- Social Networking (2 sites - Facebook and Twitter)
- Photo sharing (2 sites - Flickr and Photo Friday)
- Film (2 sites - IMDb, Empire)
- TV/video (2 sites - mininova and Veoh)
- Music (1 site -
- News (1 site - BBC)
- Collaborative working (1 site - PBwiki)
Yahoo! and Google know a lot about me
Hardly a revelation, but it's sobering to note how much data the big web companies must have collected about me once you factor in their various acquisitions. Yahoo! are able to piece together data from my usage of Flickr, Yahoo! Mail and whilst Google can supplement my search history with my usage of Blogger. And, whilst they may not be linking the data yet, Amazon owns the IMDb and eBay owns StumbleUpon. Interesting to note that no Microsoft-owned properties appear on the list...
Whilst we're used to seeing the most visited websites in aggregate, it's rare to see them for an individual and I'm tempted to repeat the exercise in 6 months to see how the list has changed.
Anyone else care to share their most visited sites?
Also, I'd be interested in seeing the actual number of visits to each site, which surely must be captured by in order to generate the ranking - anyone know how to expose it?
Posted by Dan Taylor at 12:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: web 2.0