Tuesday, July 08, 2008

BBC Annual Report word clouds

The BBC published its Annual Report and Accounts today in two parts; one from the BBC Trust, the other from the BBC Executive. Below are word clouds for each, created using the marvellous Wordle ('BBC' removed from both for obvious reasons). Compare and contrast...


Anonymous said...

The bottom one has "Radio" and "radio", which leads me to suspect that if you made it all lower case and redid that work, it might be even better for radio listening...

Unknown said...

Good to see programmes doing so well!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm in Scotland and made word clouds for the BBC Scotland annual review.


Shifu said...

Wordle. A toy new to me. Cool.
Of course, back in the days, this was called typography and done with letraset, scalpel, magazine cutouts, glue and lot of swearing. You think I jest...

Anonymous said...

thanks for suggesting Wordle - hadn't heard of it before!

Unknown said...

The same but different...